Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Stores Supervisor to Stores Officer 8 Appointment orders

Sto.Supr. to Sto.Off. Appointment orders 

Stores Supervisor to Stores Officer Panel for the year 2023-2024 Orders

Sto.Supr to Sto.Off Panel 23-24 

Restructuring and Transfer Scheme TNPGCL Re-deploying certain posts along with incumbent orders

Restructuring & Transfer scheme-2024 in TNPGCL 

Formation of Human Resources wing in TNPGCL Re-deploying certain posts orders

Formation of Human Resource wing in TNPGCL 

Formation of Human Resource wing of TNGECL Redeploying certain posts orders

Formation of Human Resource wing in TNGECL 

Tamilnadu Govt Gazette Notification for G.O.100 Unions Tripartite Agreement G.O. Notification issued by T.N.Govt

G.O.100 Tripartite Agrement GO copy 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Completion certificate for the building having mixed portions of residential and commercial activities but within the overall height of 14 Meters clarification issued

Completion Certificate Commercial & Residential Clarifications 

Thiruvannamalai EDC LI/CI to FM Common Seniority Instructions

FM Seniority Fixing in T.V.Malai EDC 

Departmental Accidents increasing trend TNEB Safety Mobile App Photos using Earth rod not uploaded Instrutions Issued

Departmental Accident Mobile App not upload Instructions 

Labour Expenditure booked under K2 Agreement in revenue expenditure instead of capital expenditure Instrutions reiterated Reg

ERP K2 Agreement  

Redeployment of Technical Cadre posts from various officers/stations to the Udangudi STPP Orders issued

Redeployment of Tech. Cadre posts in UdangudiSTPP 

Class I to IV Service Redeployment of various posts from the Thermal Stations & Projects Orders issued

Redployment of various posts in Thermal stations & Project 

NHIS Reimbursement of medical claims Time frame for acceptance of claim documents for hospital admissions from 01.07.2023 to 30.06.2024 for employees orders issued communicated

NHIS Reimbursement Acceptence 

Seniority of Assessors promoted from Assessor Gr-II during December-2014 merging 20 Nos Assessors included the Seniority Communicated

Assessors 20 Nos Seniority 

Distribution Transformers from willing consumers Instruction issued to field

Consumer DT Acceptence 

Shifting of SES/CEDC/North/Chennai to Printing Press Building at Villivakkam Adminstrave Approval Accorded


Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs