Saturday, May 27, 2023

Encashment of Leave ceiling 3 lakhs to 25 Lakhs Income Tax Excemption Board Orders

Encashment of Leave ceiling 3 lakhs to 25 Lakhs  

Asst (Adm) Seniority list as in May-2023

Asst (Adm) Seniority list as on May-23 

Asst (Adm) Seniority list

5 Nos Adm. Officer to Senior Adm. Officer Panel for the year 2022-23

Senior Adm Officer Panel 22-23 

TANGEDCO Wage Revision W.e.f 01.12.2019 Workmen Officers B.P.Issued

Workmen Wage Revision  

Officers Wage Revision

Wage Revision Tamil Transalation

20 Nos. Store Custodian II Gr to I Gr Suitability called for

S.C. II to S.C I Gr suitabilty called 

Annexure list

Double Wages Instruction as per Audit patry slip by sathiyamangalam Division & Sectt.Branch

Double Wages Instruction by Sathiyamangalam Division 

Double wages Instruction by Sectt.Branch

Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs