Friday, April 15, 2022

Performance of Assessment Report called of JE II Gr (Elec, Mech,Civil) Requested Reg

JE II Gr to I Gr PAR Req 

State Public section undertakings Ban and Creation of Posts in all Public sector undertakings adoption of G.O in TANGEDCO Orders

Undertaking of Board adoption of G.O 

NHIS-2018 to the Pensioners/Family Pensioners Medical bill submitted to the officers early settlement of claims constitution of Committee Orders

Pensioners NHIS-18 Committee 

Guidelines for allotment and occupation of Inspection Bungalow of TANGEDCO Further Instructions dt.12.04.22

Inspection Bungalow 

Surrender of Earned Leave and payment of leave salary Suspended until further orders G.O.Issued

SLS Suspended G.O 

Merging and redeployment of certain posts in HQ to newly formed regions at Karur, Thanjavur & Thiruvannamalai Orders Issued

CE Redeployment  

Fixation of Pay to the employees appointed by internal selection w.e.f.01.12.2015 Clarification Issued

Internal Selection Pay fixation Clarification 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Dep.Test for Account officer Passed by Typist, Steno-Typist, JA & Asst Not eligible advance increment Clarification Issued

 Incentive Increment Clarification

1077 T.A to JE II Gr (Elec) Suitability Called for

TA to JE II Gr Suitability Called dt.06.04.22 

List 1077 Persons

Consumers without Phone numbers to be updated Reg


Class I & II Service Details of Board's Engineers who have accquired PG/Ph.D in Engineerign Called for


Class I Service Officers retiring from service for the month of May & June 2022 Orders

 Class I Officers Retirement May & June -22

RWE Employees selected as JE II Gr allotment cancellation orders


Transfer middle of the academic year Court order

Lakshmanan Transfer Court order 

2 JA to Assistant (Adm) Inclusion the name Promotion Order Issued

 JA to Asst (Adm) Inclusion

Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs