Sunday, September 27, 2020

T&P Estimate Models

 T&P Estimate (1).xlsx

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Privatization of State Electicity Board (Guildelines issued by the Power Ministry Govt of India on 20.09.20 draft

 Priv atization of State Electricity Board.pdf

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IPDS IT Enablement works in 521 Towns Modem and DCU Installation M/s.Analogics provision to made to obtain feeder breaker ON/OFF Status

 2. lr to all CEDist with annexure 17.09.2019.pdf

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Remote Operation of Viyasarpadi 230 K.V.SS & Basin Bridge 230 K.V.SS Administrative Approval Orders

 Remote_Operation_Vyasarpadi_230KV SS_BP.pdf

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85 Revenue Supervisor to ATO Suitability Called for

 RS to ATO -Suitability called for-Reminder Letter.docx

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8 Assessment Officer to Senior Assessment Officer Suitability Called for

 ATO to Sr.ATO - Suitability called for -Reminder Letter.docx

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TCL Working in need basis Rs.380/- per day in all Circles based on the approval committee List Called for

 Letter EXGRATIA.pdf

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மின் திருட்டு கணக்கிடும் முறை பற்றிய விளக்கம்

 மின் திருட்டு கட்டணம் கணக்கிடும் முறை.pdf

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மின் இணைப்பு அளிக்க விலக்களிக்கப்பட்ட கட்டிடங்கள் தொடர்பாக தமிழக அரசின் கடிதம்

 மின் இணைப்பு விலக்களிக்கப்பட்ட கட்டிடங்கள்..pdf

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IMS Work Order Estimate Template Preparation Instruction Mannual


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Thursday, September 24, 2020

User Mannual of IMS -Misc. Bills

 IMS- WORKORDER User manual Miscellaneous bill claim.pdf

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Delegation of powers for Jungle clearance by engaging labour and JCB/Bobcat/Other cutting Machineries etc., Enhancement of Exg Powers of SE/Operation &CE/System Operation /Chennai &Trichy Orders


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Constitution of “TANGEDCO Pensioners’ Covid Non-Critical Care Financial Assistance Scheme” – Reimbursement of the Room charges and Pharmacy charges for Covid Non-critical care in empanelled hospitals – Orders – Issued.

 BP NO 14822092020.pdf

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TANGEDCO e-Office User Mannual

 eoffice User manual.pdf

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Application form for Agriculture Service Connection

 Motot-Pumpset-New form.pdf

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Extension of supply to agriculture pumpsets under Fast Track (Tatkal) Self Financing Scheme for the year 2020-2021 - Administrative approval – Accorded – Reg

 FTSFS 2020-21-BP.pdf

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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Revenue Augmentation - Measures to be taken by the EDCs - to arrest the leakage and to maximize revenue Instructions & Format

 Working Instruction to Inspecting Official (1) (1).pdf

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Format for working Instruction (2).xlsx

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Exemption from obtaining NOC to perform Jerusalem Pilgrimage through Govt Schemes G.O.Adoption in TANGEDCO Amendment

 BP NO 2214092020.pdf

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Panel for promotion to the post of 2 Senior Draughtsman –names Selected – list Communicated


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JMD Review meeting Accounts wing with IT wing for the stores subjects Instructions

 Document 364.pdf

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Re designation of EE/(Mech)/DRIP /Madurai as EE/Mech/Periyar Lower Camp orders Issued

 Re-designation of EE-Mechanical DRIP Madurai - Order copy.pdf

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GIS Survey and Porting works - implementation action plan – Reg

 CE IT Lr to all CEs 18_09_20.pdf

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Total Shutdown in SS may be taken once in 3 months DD Instructions dt. 09.2020


Review of work allocation in Thermal Station proposal of National Productivity Council for awarding the Technical consultancy work committee formation orders

 BP. No.23 dt.16.09.2020 NPC.pdf

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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

வாரிசு வேலை வாய்ப்பு வழங்கும் போது தமிழ்வழி கல்வி உள்ளதா என ஆய்வு செய்திடக் கோருதல்

 MEMO tamil _2_.pdf

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அனைத்து தொழிற் சங்க கூட்டமைப்பு சார்பாக மின்துறை அமைச்சரை சந்தித்து வழங்கிய கோரிக்கைகள் நாள்.14.09.2020


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Tech Asst to JE II Gr (Mech) Panel (79) Allotment (35) Orders

 TA to JE II Gr. Mech Panel.pdf

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Sub-Station Maintenance, Registers and other eqiupments Maintenance Instruction by CE/Madurai

 MDU Reg-SS Maintanance-Instructions 09.09.2020.pdf

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Incentive Increments of Board Engineers wrong sanction avoidance of Instructions

 Memo.No.29295 dated 07.09.2020.pdf

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Amendments of LT CT Services load 112 KW to 150 KW as per TNERC Orders

 LTCT 112 KW to 150 KW .pdf

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Secretariat Branch appointment on Contract basis / Consolidated wages CPS to GPF Clarification

 Clarification - Regarding - Admission to GPF-CPS.pdf

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Recovering the advance incentive increments court interim order of injunction

 WP(MD) No.8995 of2020 and etc., batch (12-08-2020) (2).pdf

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Monday, September 7, 2020

34 Adm. Supr - Preparation of panel for promotion to the post of Asst. Adm. Officer Suitability Report Particulars called for

 AADO Suitability called for . 07-09-2020.pdf

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E.T.P.S 130 RWE Staff Administrative Transfer allotted to CEDC/North Circle Reposting Orders


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Agriculture applications registered manually - Effective use of Application tracking module in LT Billing Software- Reg.

 6.9.20 Agri_LT_Billing_software__entry-Cir. Memo..pdf

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Office Procedures "Tottenham System" Procedures to be followed with regard to submission of files Implementation in all the offices of TANTRANSCO Orders

 Memo.Per. No. 31067-03.09.2020.pdf

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Effective Management of court cases to safeguard to interests of TANGEDCO Instructions Report called for Nodal Officers

 List of Head of Department and Nodal Officer - Details - Called for.pdf

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Preparation of panel of A.O. fit for promotion as Deputy Financial Controllers for the year 2019-20 – B.Com., Degree certificates called for

 AO to DFC B.Com certificate called for..pdf

Friday, September 4, 2020

post of Junior Engineer/Electrical II Grade from the post of Technical Assistant/ Electrical - List of names selected and included in the Panel - Orders


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Technical Assistant/Electrical from the year 2015 to 2019 – Tentative Seniority List

 TA 2015-2019 Seniority.pdf

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Interchanging the officials between Sec.Br. / Adm.Br.and other Region / Circle Offices orders Issued

 Interchanging the officials - B.P. No.138 - Order copy.pdf

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Class III & IV Promotion /Internal Selection/ Transfer orders – To be relieved instructions issued

 relieved instructions issued 04-09-2020.pdf

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Govt Staff 3 years Transfer Exemption of Govt.Staff caregiver in different abled person orders

 G.O.(Ms.) No.107, P&AR(S) Dept..pdf

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Headquaters SE& EE change of procedure Instructions

  EEs and SEs - Change of procedure - B.P.No.136 - order copy.pdf

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Non- Workload Post in Secretariat Branch abolished 66 Posts Orders

 Non-work load posts - B.P. No.137 - Order copy.pdf

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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Minutes of the Conference of Power and Renewable Energy Ministers of States & UTs held on 3rd July, 2020


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8 J.E II Gr to JE I Gr (Elec) Allotment Orders dt.27.08.2020 Isssued

 8_JE II to JE I Elec Allot (1).pdf

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ETPS RWE Staff Administrative Transfers to CE/N/Chennai Allotted and Re-posting Orders Issued

 ETPS orders 2020.pdf

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One day service connection in respect of LT Domestic and Commercial service connections (other than special and multi-storied buildings) – Further instructions issued

 Further Instructions 02-09-2020 FC.docx

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Panel of 7 Internal Audit Officers fit for promotion as Deputy Chief Internal Audit Officers for the year 2019-2020 - Approved – Orders - Issued.


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Creation of one post of EE/Elec & AEE/Elec in SE/DSM/Chennai Redeployment of one post in AE/C&I/Nagalapuram Tutucorin E.D.C. Erratum Issued

 Creation of post and redeployment order copy - Erratum.pdf

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Redesignation of post CE/Civil Designs Chennai as CE/Civil/DRIP Amendments Issued

 Redesignation of the post - Amendment - order copy.pdf

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100 % Assesment of all categories of LT. Consumers for the month of 08/2020 Instructions


Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs