Friday, May 31, 2019

AE Recruitment Terms & Condition dt.31.05.19

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13 EE to SE (Elec) Promotion & Posting Orders

Preparation of G.P.F.Statement from Payroll Software Instructions

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3 Senior Personnel Officer Promotion & Posting Orders

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NCES/Tirunelveli Sanction of posts to the 400/230-110 K.V.SS at Thennampatti Orders

AE/JE Elec I Gr /Civil Allotted through Direct Recruitment & Internal Selection Instruction

Gangman (Trainee) Online Application & Payment Extended Notification

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13 SE as ACE Orders

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9 SE to CE (Elec) Promotion and Posting Orders

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Administrative Supervisors - Selected for promotion as Assistant Administrative Officers - Allotment Orders

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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Direct Recruitment AE Joining time Undertaking & Physical Fitness Certificate

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277 AE Internal Allotment Orders

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300 AE (Elec) Direct Recruitment Allotment Orders

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25 AE (Civil) Allotment Orders

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Direct Recruitment Assistant Engineer Selected & Waiting List Orders

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Waiting List

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Enhancement of HBA from 40 to 50 lakhs G.O. adoption orders

HBA Enhancement 40 to 50 lakhs