Friday, May 18, 2018

Merger of Assessor Grade II with Assessor posts – Orders


Tamil Nadu Generation & Distribution Corporation Ltd – Settlement under section 12(3) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 – Merger of Assessor Grade II with Assessor posts – Orders – Issued.
(Administrative Branch)

(Per.) (F.B) TANGEDCO Proceedings No.12             Dated. 18.05.2018.
                                                              Vaigasi-4, Hevilambi Aandu
Thiruvalluvar Aandu – 2049.

Memorandum of Settlement  Under Section 12(3) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 dated 22.02.2018.
The Secy./BOSB U.O. Note No.59008/A3/A31/2015-37,
dated 03.032018.



                    In the Memorandum of settlement secured under Section 12(3) of the Industrial Dispute Act 1947, dated 22.02.2018 on Revision of wages on Revision of work allocation and staff pattern as approved by the Board, the following terms have been included.  The extract terms of the settlement relating to the Adm. Branch as follows:-

                    “It is agreed that the Assessor Grade-II post will be merged with “Assessor” respectively from the date of settlement”.

                   2)  In this connection, it is stated that certain individuals who have not possessed the minimum educational qualification of 10th Std. pass are also appointed as Assessor Grade II from contract labourers based on the 12(3) Settlement dated 10.08.2007.

                   3)  Based on the demands of the Unions, a clause was included in the Memorandum of settlement secured with the Unions under section 12(3) of

the Industrial Disputes Act 1947, dated 22.02.2018, and it has been agreed to merge the post of Assessor Grade II with the post of Assessor and  there was no demand for grant of increment while merger.
                   4)  While merging the post of Assessor Grade II with the post of Assessor the following procedure shall be followed:
Those who are involved undergoing punishment/suspension, their cases may be considered for merger on completion of punishment/revocation of suspension as per the existing orders subject to eligibility.
Consequent to the merger of Assessor Grade II with the post of Assessor those who are not having minimum educational qualification, there will be no further promotion in future for them.

          5)  The receipt of this Board's Proceedigs shall be acknowledged.


                                                           Sd/xxxx 18.05.2018
                                             CHIEF ENGINEER/ PERSONNEL

All Chief Engineers.
All Superintending Engineers.
The Secretary / TANGEDCO / Chennai-2.
The Chief Financial Controller/General & Revenue/Accounts Branch/Chennai-2.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch/Chennai-2.
The Residential Audit Officer/TANGEDCO/Chennai-2.



Copy to:

The Chairman Cum Managing Director's Table.
The Managing Director / TANTRANSCO.
The Director General of Police/Vigilance.
The Legal Adviser.
The Industrial Relations Adivser/TANGEDCO.
All Deputy Secretaries /BOSB/Chennai-2
The Deputy Chief Engineer/Administrative Branch.
All Senior Personnel Officers/Administrative Branch.
The Personnel Officer / Implememtation/ Administrative Branch.
The Personnel Officer / Court Case / Administrative Branch.
The Personnel Officer / Staff sanction/ Administrative Branch. (4 copies)
The Assistant Personnel Officer / Land Acq./ Administrative Branch.
The Assistant Personnel Officer / Comp. App./ Administraive Branch.
The Under Secretary/Wage Revision Section/ BOSB.
The Assistant Personnel Officer / Tamil Development – for Publication in the  
                                                                              TNEB Bulletin (2 copies).
B.P Section (2 copies).
A.10 Section.BOSB.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Worders' Federation.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Accounts & Executive saff Uion.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Worders Progressive Union (LPF).
Central Organisation of Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees (COTEE).
Minsara Pirivu Anna Thozhir Samgam.
Tamil Nadu Minvariya Janatha Thozhilalar Sangam.
Tamil Nadu National Electricity Workers' Federation INTUC (2 Groups).
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers' Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees Congress.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Thozhilalar Aykiyya Sangam.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers' Association.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Finance & Accounts Officers Association.
Bharathiya Electricity Employees Federation.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Card Billing Staff Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Dr.Ambedkar Employees Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineer's Union.
All other signatory Unions.
Stock file.

APO\CS\G26\G 261\Letter Eng.doc

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

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